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To strengthen physical and intellectual aptitudes in case of fatigue, during convalescence, or to prepare for times of higher intellectual effort. Highly recommended for students during exams. ORGANIC fresh royal jelly from France. 10 g jar for a 20-day course of treatment.
29.70 €
Service client de Pollenergie
+335 53 68 11 11 or by e-mail
Produits de la ruche fabriqués en France
Made in France
for more than 20 years



    Secreted by the hypopharyngeal glands of nurse bees, royal jelly is thequeen bee’s only source of food during her entire life. This allows her to live40 times longer than her subjects! Our royal jelly from France is of excellentquality, ethically harvested and environmentally-friendly. Because werefrigerate the royal jelly as soon as it is harvested, its nutritional andorganoleptic values remain intact.


    Also called the "caviar of beehives”, royal jelly has a rather tart andbitter taste, which is not always very pleasant but easily forgotten when weknow all the goodness it provides. This substance contains:

        - mainly water (approximately 65%)
        - carbohydrates, mainly fructose (approximately 15%)
        - proteins, including all of the essential amino acids (13 to 18%)
        - lipids (4 to 6%)
        - approximately 1% of minerals and trace elements (calcium, iron, copper,magnesium, etc.)

    Thanks to its benefits, royal jelly is an exceptional nutritionalcomplex and is ideal to prevent general physical or intellectual fatigue, andimprove resistance, focus and concentration in preparation for more stressfulor demanding times. It is especially recommended for people who experiencefatigue or exhaustion and who need a boost to get back on their feet quickly.

    It can also be taken prior to periods of higher intellectual effort. Forexample, it provides excellent support for students preparing for exams. For elderlypeople, royal jelly is a powerful supplement during convalescence, andpreventively to fight against cognitive decline. It also contains anantibacterial factor as well as acetylcholine (1mg/g), a neurotransmitter ofthe parasympathetic nervous system which targets cerebral functions and memoryin particular.

    Note that in order to reap the full benefits of royal jelly, itsgeographic provenance is a determining criterion. For example, all royaljellies originating from Asia are systematically frozen. Given their high watercontent, this necessarily and irreversibly alters their properties.
  2. #Ingredients#100% gelée royale

    Packaging: 10 g jar, isothermal packaging. Measuring spoon included.Store in refrigerator as soon as you receive the order.


    It is produced in keeping with the quality charter of our producers,which guarantees:

    A royal jelly produced without resorting to artificial feeding duringproduction time, with respect for the bees’ natural food sources (honey andpollen)

    Refrigeration immediately after harvest to preserve all of itsnutritional qualities

    Production respectful of the bees’ natural environment and health, whichin turn delivers a product with optimal purity

    Traceability by way of a unique producer-identifying number.
  3. #Directions for use#Keep royal jelly refrigerated between 2° and 5°C. We recommendedfollowing a 20-day course of treatment (1 jar of 10g). Take 0.5 g per day,placed under the tongue, in the morning before breakfast. Treatment courses ofroyal jelly can be done during season changes, in case of intense fatigue orduring periods of higher intellectual strain. Careful: consuming royal jelly iscontraindicated while undergoing chemotherapy or in cases of hormone dependentcancers.

    PouIn order for royal jelly to be fully effective, there are two importantcriteria to observe:


    Our royal jellies benefit from the know-how and attention of professional apiarists, and are guaranteed to have the highest level of quality and traceability. Given the large amount of fraudulently imported royal jellies, it is critical to choose one that has a guaranteed geographic provenance.


    Royal jelly is sold in different forms: freeze-dried, capsules,frozen/unfrozen, etc. But only fresh royal jelly can guarantee the integrity ofits nutritional properties.